11/04 Ushers: Sterling and Alan Rowell
11/04 Acolytes: Emmy and Hayden Sublette
11/04 Liturgist: Nancy Rorex
11/04 Children’s Sermon: Julie Price
11/04 Psalm Reader: Duffy Porter
11/04 Worship Care: Brian Gould
November’s Elder in Charge: Martha Goins
Wednesday, October 31
10:00 am Women @ The Table Bible study meets in Room 6
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir rehearsal in the Choir Room
Thursday, November 1
12:00 pm “Lunch With Jesus” adult Bible study in the Fellowship Hall
6:00 pm Brownies Troop 6014 meets in the Fellowship Hall
Saturday, November 3
12:00 pm Fellowship Hall in use for an outside event through 5:00pm
Sunday, November 4
9:15 am Sunday School classes for all ages
10:00 am Choir Rehearsal in the Choir Room
10:30 am Celebration of Worship – Communion
5:30 pm TNT Youth Group meets in the Fellowship Hall
Monday, November 5
11:30 am Trinity’s service day at The Stewpot
Tuesday, November 6
9:30 am Worship staff meeting in Pastor Jeff’s office
10:00 am Church staff meeting in the Library
4:30 pm Outreach Division of Session meets in the Library
6:00 pm Brownies Troop 6754 meets in the Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, November 7
10:00 am Women @ The Table Bible study meets in Room 6 – last one in 2018
11:00 am Women’s outing to Chuy’s for lunch followed by the Ferncliff DAC
7:00 pm Sanctuary Choir rehearsal in the Choir Room
“LUNCH WITH JESUS” THURSDAY NOON ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Women and men of Trinity, need a little spiritual nourishment between Sundays? Pastor Jeff Price is offering a Thursday Lunch Bible Study through November 15 in the Fellowship Hall. The study will visit several passages in Luke in which Jesus shares meals with saints and sinners alike. The Lunch Bible Study will offer a midweek chance for fellowship and to have your spirit nourished. We’ll feed your body as well by providing lunch at a cost of $5 per person. R.S.V.P. to the church office at 501-868-5848 if you know you’ll attend, but come even if you decide at the last minute! Direct questions to Jeff Price at 501-868-5848.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! November 4-10 birthdays at Trinity: Mari Eilbott, Erna Loerch, Terrie Root, Blake Smith, Coty Haynes, Terry O’Brian, Melissa Clark. If your birthday is missing from this list, contact Trinity’s office at TrinityPresLR@gmail.com or 501-868-5848.
IN WORSHIP THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4: Pastor Jeff Price will preach “Best of My Love” drawn from Mark 12:28-34. We will sing the hymns Praise, My Soul, the God of Heaven; Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love; and In Times of Great Decision. The Sanctuary Choir will present Fred Bock’s I Sing the Greatness of Our God. Liturgist Nancy Rorex will assist in leading worship and Julie Price will give God’s Word for Children. We will celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper during worship.
TNT YOUTH GROUP NOVEMBER NEWS: We’ve got some great things planned for November as we count down to the holiday season! Call or text Youth Director Jared Brown at 870-299-0989 with any questions.
11/04 College Care Packages: We have many youth in college this year so let’s show them some love with a care package! Each youth group member has signed up to bring items to put in the care packages, and we will decorate the boxes to make each package special for the person getting it. Parents can drop off youth in the Fellowship Hall for dinner at 5:30 and pick up at 7:30.
11/11 Fall Colors Hike: Let’s go explore God’s beautiful creation at Pinnacle Mountain! After worship, we’ll have lunch in the Fellowship Hall. We will then carpool to Pinnacle for a two-hour hike, and parents can pick up their youth at the church around 2:30.
11/18 Thanksgiving Extravaganza! Let’s get in the spirit of Thanksgiving with a special Youth Group! We’ll have plenty of Thanksgiving games and competitions but will also take time to focus on what we have to be thankful for this year. Parents can drop off youth in the Fellowship Hall for dinner at 5:30 and pick up at 7:30.
11/25 NO YOUTH GROUP: Enjoy the long holiday weekend with your family!
“GALS ON THE GO” OUTING ON NOVEMBER 7: Women of Trinity, join us on Wednesday, November 7 for our next women’s outing! We’ll meet in the church parking lot at 11:00am and carpool to Chuy's Mexican Restaurant (16001 Chenal Parkway 72223) for a quick bite. After lunch we’ll head out to Ferncliff Camp (1720 Ferncliff Road 72223) for a tour and an opportunity for service from 1:00-3:00pm in the Disaster Assistance Center – “the DAC”. The DAC has a covenant relationship with Church World Service (CWS) and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). For CWS the warehouse is one of two centers designated to receive CWS Gift-of-the-Heart kits from churches around the country. Ferncliff is one of Trinity’s outreach missions we support financially and with volunteers. Direct questions to Nancy Howell at 501-519-3281.
W@TT (WOMEN @ THE TABLE) WILL BREAK FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Women @ The Table’s Wednesday Bible study will meet on November 7 from 10:00-11:00am in Room 6. The study will take a break after November 7 for the holiday season and resume in the new year. Questions? Call Nancy Howell at 519-3281.
LADIES’ BUNKO NIGHT ON NOVEMBER 8: Women of Trinity, our next monthly Bunko Night is Thursday, November 8 at 6:30pm in the Fellowship Hall. Don’t worry if you’ve never played Bunko—the game rules will be explained. Speak to Susie Haynes at 501-351-6284 for more information.
THIRD SUNDAY FRED TALKS: Similar to the well-known TED Talks, Trinity’s FRED Talks offer a wide variety of topics that will help open our eyes and hearts to God, God’s creation, and God’s children. Faith, Religion, Education, and Discussion, FRED Talks may range from Christian theological and Biblical discussions to other religions to the needs in our community and our world. But the talks’ focus and discussions always help us with our faithful response to issues and people as followers of Christ. The talks take place in Trinity’s Gearing Hall on Sunday mornings from 9:15 to 10:15am with refreshments and fellowship time beginning at 9:00am.
11/18 Bill and Liz Branch: Presbyterian Disaster Relief: Retired Presbyterian minister Bill Branch and his wife Liz will be with us to share their amazing stories of working in the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) program doing relief work all over the U.S. They have been deployed to wildfires, floods, mudslides, human-caused disasters, the refugee crisis, and have worked with the Red Cross and FEMA.
A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING HAS BEEN CALLED for the purpose of electing officers at the end of worship on November 18.
SACRED JOURNEY ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS STUDY: The Sacred Journey Sunday School class has begun a study by Adam Hamilton called Half Truths. The class discusses simple phrases that sound like they’ve come out of the Bible. We’ve all heard them. Maybe we’ve even said them! They capture some element of truth, yet they miss the point of the Gospel in important ways. Come take part and help discover the whole truth on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:15 in Room 2. Direct questions to elder Angela Smiley at 501-247-6470.
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET RETURNED YOUR PLEDGE CARD, there are a few ways you can make your 2019 pledge. Return your pledge card by mail in the envelope provided in your stewardship packet. Or you may place it in the offering plate during worship. Or, securely email your pledge amount to the Church Treasurer at TrinityPledges@gmail.com. Direct questions to elder Larry Root at 501-310-5250.
DO WE HAVE YOUR CELL PHONE NUMBER? We’re exploring the possibility of sending churchwide text messages, so make sure you give the church office your mobile number today!
We are happy to include your announcements related to the life of the church in the Sunday bulletin or the Wednesday weekly email update. Please email your announcement of no more than 150 words to TrinityPresLR@gmail.com by 5:00pm Tuesday for inclusion in the email update and bulletin.