Loads of fun, adventure, and learning is what children, youth and parents will experience at Trinity this summer! On Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday nights, June 9 through 11 from 5:30 to 7:30pm, we’ll begin with dinner for all ages in the Fellowship Hall and end with closing devotions for all ages in the sanctuary. This event is open to the community, so please invite friends and neighbors! An infant to 3 year nursery will be provided only for parents participating in the parenting class if they sign up by June 5. Now, here’s what all is happening:
Children 4 years through (rising) 5th grade will go on an adventure exploring the people, creatures, and ecology of God’s creation. There will be music, stories, crafts, and activities to help them see and appreciate God’s world through new eyes. They’ll sing and dance to new fun songs, they’ll weave a basket to help the baby Moses escape down the Nile, they’ll go on a nature scavenger hunt, and much more!
The Youth in (rising) 6th through 12th grades define ourselves by our service, our fellowship, our worship, and our study of God’s Word. During Trinity Adventures, we’ll have Y-Go, a fun three days of all of those things that make our Youth Group complete! We’ll explore our faith and how Youth Group is important to our growth as Christians. And the last day of Y-Go will be spent at Wild River Country!
Adults will enjoy “Adventures in Parenting.” Ever wish your children came with a set of instructions? Do you sometimes fear you have no idea what you’re doing? Gather with Pastor Jeff Price as he leads parents on an adventure to share fears and frustrations, as well as tips and ideas.
June 9: Sunday night we are excited to host SCREENAGERS, an award-winning film that probes into the vulnerable corners of family life and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, and academics. The film offers solutions on how we can help our kids navigate the digital world.
June 10: Monday night’s session will be Beyond “Because I said So.” Admit it. You’ve said it. And of course, it didn’t really work. So what does work? How do you discipline your kids and still let them see how much you love them? Pastor Jeff will share five tips for more effective discipline and five things to avoid. The discussion will offer help to parents of children from birth through high school.
June 11: Tuesday night is a free night. Go out. Have dinner. Take a nap. We’ll watch the kids! Drop the kids off for their Trinity Adventures or in the nursery for those three and under, and go have some fun. You deserve it!
You can sign up for Trinity Adventures in one of 3 ways:
Fill out a paper registration form and return it to the church by June 5.
Click HERE and fill out the online registration form by June 5.
Call the church office at 501-868-5848 and register by June 5.
We hope to see you all here for the big Trinity Adventures!