Join us for a service of musical worship

On Sunday, December 10, at 10:30 the Music Ministry of Trinity Presbyterian Church will present A Christmas Tapestry of Hope. The symbols and stories surrounding the birth of Jesus whisper in our ear, “don't give up, keep going.”  Christmas teaches us lessons of hope and fills us with optimism. The program will be a blending of musical styles, contemporary and traditional, to reflect the hope that the birth of Jesus brings as sung by Trinity Sounds, Trinity Men’s Trio, and the Adult Choir. The program will consist of Noel by Chris Tomlin; O Come, Emmanuel with the Adult Choir assisted by Stephen Feldman, cellist; Within the Manger Walls depicting the intimacy of the quiet manger scene; Mary, Did You Know, a popular Christmas song addressing Mary, mother of Jesus; Carol of the Bells, a Christmas carol based on a Ukrainian folk chant; Do You Hear What I Hear? written as a plea for peace during the Cuban missile crisis; and I Have Seen the Light sung by Trinity Men’s Trio assisted by the Adult Choir. Please plan to join us as we present this program of hope on Sunday, December 10.