Birthday Party for Baby Jesus


Come celebrate with us!

On Sunday morning, December 4, the children of Trinity will celebrate the reason for the season when they attend a birthday party for the baby Jesus. Advent is a time to prepare our hearts for all the blessings the birth of that child brings to our lives. Our response to these blessings is to give thanks and share them with others. We ask that the children bring an unwrapped gift of underwear, socks, or outerwear (mittens, scarf, hat, coat) to share with a child at Partners for Progress in Perryville. After sharing the story of the first Christmas, we will sing and eat birthday cake. All children 5th grade and younger, members and guests, are invited to attend this celebration that will take place in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00 until 10:00am during the Sunday School hour. Direct questions to Pastor Jeff (501-626-6476).