
Trinity Presbyterian

Trinity Presbyterian Church



Trinity Presbyterian

Trinity Presbyterian Church


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All Are Welcome Here

As pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church of Little Rock, I am pleased to welcome you.  Our prayer is that everyone who worships with us will find strength and encouragement for their journey of faith. 

Pastor Jeff Price

In my time here, I have found Trinity to be a warm, caring church family. Without a doubt, the people here are Trinity’s greatest asset. They bring a tremendous variety of experiences and perspectives to our church. Some are lifelong Little Rock residents, while others have come from all across the country. Some grew up Presbyterian, while many came from other traditions. A few have been part of Trinity since its beginning, but most are newcomers.

We are young, old, and every age in between. We are women, men, and nonbinary people, all woven together by God into a family that cares for one another and works together to care for those beyond our church community. As different as we are, we rejoice that we are united in Christ.

This is an exciting time at Trinity. God has marvelous things in store for us, and we would love for you to be part of the journey!